~ Richard Lawrence Belford ~

   “An Inspirational Author whose heartfelt parables honor the memory of those dear to our hearts.


Richard Lawrence Belford is a very well published inspirational author whose twenty-five year creative journey has afforded him the privilege of providing faith, comfort, and hope to those in grief. He has contributed numerous articles to Centering Corporation's Grief Digest Magazine and Grief Resource Library. The Centering Corporation is the largest and oldest grief resource center in North America. 

Richard's inspiring parables; A Mother’s Work Is Never Done; If Not For You; In The Blink Of An Eye; Remember When; The Wish; These Days; The Promise; Moments; Like Father, Like Son and countless others have been published in dozens of inspirational; journals, magazines, periodicals, online writing platforms and websites. A parable is a symbolic short story that illustrates or teaches some truth, religious principle or moral lesson.

In this life tomorrow is promised to no one and we often leave or are left wishing we had just five more minutes. This makes grief one of society’s most misunderstood and profoundly difficult experiences that cannot be resolved by closure alone if there’s even such a thing, but by a slow measure of acceptance that only the passage of time, and words of comfort can provide. It is Richard’s belief that his words can provide that comfort. 

As British author C.S. Lewis once wrote. “The pain then is part of the happiness now. That’s the deal.” or as Queen Elizabeth II said on September 11th, 2001. “Grief is the price we pay for love.” 

The late Lisa Marie Presley probably said it best. "Death is part of life whether we like it or not and so is grieving." She then wrote. "There is so much to learn and understand on the subject, but here's what I know so far: One is that grief does not stop or go away in any sense, a year, or years after the loss. Grief is something you will have to carry with you for the rest of your life in spite of what certain people or our culture wants us to believe.

The Egyptians believe that you die twice; once when you take your final breath and the last time someone says your name. Richard believes that even if the names of those dear to his heart are never spoken again this book will assure that they and their stories will be remembered.

He also feels that those who have experienced loss should support one another’s efforts to comfort others. It is therefore Richard’s sincere hope that "It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See You Later" and its 2nd edition of heartfelt stories, and parables will not only inspire you to always say; "I'll see you later, instead of goodbye", but also believe; “The Best Is Yet To Come!”

“The world goes on without them, for most it goes unchanged.

But, for some it will never be the same.” 

  Richard Lawrence Belford 


The book is published by innovative publisher GenZ Publishing and is not only available in both Paperback & Kindle editions on amazon.com in the United States, and amazon.ca in Canada, but can also be purchased on Amazon in Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, India, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

    Richard has been a regular contributor to Centering Corporation's Grief Digest Magazine and Grief Resource Library. If you would like to learn more please visit this website’s Grief Digest / Good Grief Trust Page"The Centering Corporation is the largest and oldest grief resource center in North America.” Grief Digest is a quarterly magazine that's gathered a remarkable group of writers to aid grieving people, families and caregivers through their journey. 

    His parables “A Mother’s Work Is Never Done”“God Only Knows” and “Like Father, Like Son” were published by Mountain Wings; “The world’s largest inspirational email with over one million subscribers in a hundred and twenty-five countries."

    Richard’s parables have also been published in the following magazines, as well as 
    numerous other inspirational journals and periodicals.

     If you would like to see
    a complete list please visit this website’s Publishing Credit's Page.

    His inspirational writings were first published the May 2007 issue of Progressive Greetings Magazine. "Max Publishing’s Worldwide Progressive Greetings Magazine is the No.1 trade bible for those in the greeting card industry."

    Richard's views on inspirational writing were then published the May 2012 issue of Greetings Today Magazine in a feature article entitled; "An Eloquent Send” which can be viewed at the following link. Greetings Today.pdf 

    "Greetings Today is the largest circulation trade mag for the UK greetings industry covering all aspects, from art and design to publishing, print and retailing."

    His writings have also been published in the September 2010, January 2011, July 2011 and June 2012 issues 
    of Mulberry Publication’s Funeral Service Times; “The United Kingdom’s largest circulation funeral magazine.”

    Richard's inspirational illustrations "If Not For You" and "Remember When” were both published in Funerals Today. Funerals Today was the first magazine geared toward educating families about the funeral service industry. "There goal is to educate, enlighten and encourage you every day through innovation, progress and life making decisions regarding final tributes."

    In May 2011, Richard sent a copy of his parable “A Mother’s Work Is Never Done to Prince William, The Duke Of Cambridge who in his reply from Saint James Palace thanked Richard for his thoughtful letter and beautiful poem. If you would like to learn more please visit this website’s Testimonial's Page. 

    On September 25, 2013 Richard was given the Basno 9/11 Memorial Supporter Badge as a token of gratitude for supporting the nonprofit National September 11 Memorial & Museum and had his artwork entitled; “In The Blink Of An Eye” published on the 9/11 Memorial Artist’s Registry. If you would like learn more please visit this website’s Testimonial's Page.

    Richard’s writing has also been recognized by The Good Grief Trust. If you would like to learn more please visit this website’s Grief Digest / Good Grief Trust Page. "The Good Grief Trust's vision is to help those bereaved from day one, acknowledge their grief and provide reassurance, a virtual hand of friendship and ongoing support.” They exist to help all those affected by grief in the United Kingdom.
    Richard's writing has also been published by Love What Matters whose mission is to spread real stories by real people just like you far and wide that celebrate the love, compassion, kindness, and overcoming. In doing so, we hope to remind others that these things do not happen by default; they’re a daily choice. If you would like to learn more about them and Richard’s articles they have published please this website's Love What Matter’s Page

    Richard also invites you to follow him on Instagram and Twitter, like his Author’s Facebook Page or visit the It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See You Later Facebook Group Page and join the increasing number of its member who have been inspired to always say; “I’ll see you later, instead of goodbye!

    Richard Lawrence Belford, EzineArticles Basic Author